Wednesday, February 27, 2013

'Poo Free Update and More...

Sadly, I have already written this post once.  Then I deleted it on accident.  Anyways, sorry for the delay, it has been a crazy few weeks!  We added gymnastics to our weekly routine, and yoga (which you should definitely try if you haven't)!  My baby girl turned four!  And we had a terribly sudden and tragic loss.  

Going 'Poo Free (update):
Who on earth convinced me adding essential oils to the shampoo I was going to be using was a good idea when my hair is already oily to begin with?  
Day 1:  I looked like a grease ball that never washes their hair.
Day 2:  I watered the mixture down some.  It was slightly better.  I reverted back to plain ole' shampoo on this day because I was going shopping and looked awful.
Day 3:  I watered my mixture down some more and added more baking soda.  It helped again, but not quite enough. 

At this point, I decided this mixture wasn't going to work for me.  Things got kinda crazy, and I just went back to shampoo.

Today, I started back to 'poo free using just baking soda in water and apple cider vinegar (ACV- going forward).  My goal is to go through the adjustment period and then maybe add a drop or two of the oil again for scent purposes.

Things I have already started and/or are starting soon
ACV for athlete's foot (more on this in a moment)
Coconut Oil for moisturizing
Raw Honey for washing my face
Oil Cleansing to remove make up
Coconut Oil w/ Baking Soda and Essential Oils as a body wash

ACV for Athlete's Foot
I have tried many over the counter treatments for this that only seem to solve the issue temporarily.  A few weeks ago, I set out in search of a better (greener) way to treat this problem for good.  The one solution that kept appearing was apple cider vinegar.  I did most of my reading here.  One way was to dilute it with water and soak your feet for any where from 5-30 minutes.  I really don't have time for that so I kept looking.  Another was to use cotton balls to apply it directly to the affected area.  Now this, I had time for.  

How I do it:
Twice a day, I use cottons balls to scrub my feet completely and let them air dry.  

I have notice a marked improvement in my feet in the two weeks I have been doing this.  It really seems to be clearing it up.  I will keep updating on my progress.

Thanks for reading. :-)

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